Journey To Bright Ideas

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Everyone is going to the same place…it’s the path they take to get there that is different.

Today’s business leaders are zeroed in on not only what gets done but more importantly how things get done; they are willing to take a hard look at their own organizational culture to ensure engagement, accountability, customer-centricity, agility and ultimately outstanding performance.

Many of you offer strong business leadership that is able to drive change and are not afraid to boldly innovate (and even fail) in a performance based environment. In addition, I believe all thought leaders recognize that a renewed commitment to Customers and the corporate brand are keys to driving enterprise growth even in what promises to be a slow global growth environment.

In the last few years, and especially in 2015, it will be the year in which Customers continue to ‘demand’ better service, faster responses, and more focus on their experience with your product or services. Products are being produced quicker, services are more competitive, and the differentiation is now Customer Experience rather than product/service superiority (which is almost commoditized in every industry). Businesses, today know that bad products or services are quickly discovered and the posted into social media. They realize that Customers deserve to have exactly what they want- at a price they are willing to pay- and they won’t accept less. As the learning relationship deepens, grows, and becomes smarter over time, creative solutions to exceed Customer experiences must be developed, implemented, and refined.

Creative solutions to different problems have similar characteristics.

To be able to solve any problem in a creative way, it is helpful to know these common characteristics, and to use them correctly in order to focus the search for a solution.

A good creative solution to any problem meets the following criterion:

1-It’s not creative unless it sells.
2-It must completely solve the problem
3-It must not rely on many resources
4-It can not produce negative side effects
5-It is a solution that few will find
6-It must be implement able at the lowest level 7-It must be acceptable at the highest level

Every day each us faces new problems that need proactive solutions.

Now matter what you do, what you want to accomplish in your life, or how you wish to live your life you must react to forces around all of us and determine whether you can overcome the challenge and be more productive or be reduced to minimal accomplishments in the face of adversity.

In 2015  focus on not only what ‘to do’ but what ‘not to do’.

Discard BAU (business as usual) and forge ahead with a new vision of where you want to be and then create the path to get there.

In 2015Slide006

Charge a premium price if your offering in tailored precisely to Customer needs.If you Customer perceives they receive greater value they are willing to pay more.

Reduce discounts because you are, in effect, paying the Customer to experience, and that reduces the value.

Collaborate with your customers. Listen. The more you can determine what they value and produce it for them the greater the retention and the price they will pay for that relationship.

Stay in contact with your Customers. As you learn more about their business than your competitors, Customers keep coming back to utilize what you offer.

Learn ‘what’s in it for them.’ The more your Customer teaches you about their business, the more difficult it will be for them to receive a similar level of value from someone else.

Ask for referrals. If your Customer finds their experience with you pleasing, they will tell others if you ask them. Don’t assume they will inform others simply because they are happy with what you provided…after all that’s why they paid you.



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