Transformational Customer Experience Advisor

Jim's speaker sheets

Dating Your Customer
Thriving On Change

Bright Ideas

3D Thinking
Thinking Actions Outcomes

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D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer®

D-A-T-I-N-G Your Customer®

Bureau / Non-Bureau

A Practitioner Who Speaks  Jim offers real-world experience from a  diverse client base of leading global companies as well as emerging organizations striving to become #1 with their Customers and employees.

Your audience will leave with the solution tools they need to get their jobs done faster, and better, by stimulating an increased level of collaboration through increased Customer satisfaction,  improved leadership skills, and employee attitude adjustment.

Jim will provide a practIcal, humorous, disciplined guide to making Customer Service innovation a reality within your organization – helping you to achieve
profitable, sustainable growth.

It’s all about UNCOMMON, Common Sense

Thriving On Change

Thriving On Change

Chief Innovation Officer

Bureau / Non-Bureau

Shift Happens!® Thriving On Change When Shift Happens! you can manage it or let it manage you. Succeeding after shifts in his own life, Jim illustrates how to stop limiting yourself, retake control, and immediately start using change to your advantage so you can profit from uncertainty. Your audience will learn how to ‘think inside the box’ using 3D Thinking to discover innovative solutions using existing resources. In these James of high velocity ‘shifts’ they will discover simple, life changing results. Real world examples from a Practitioner who speaks delivered without pop fads, boring charts, guruism, or death by powerpoint. He delivers ‘plain talk for smart people.’ He challenges your audience to think about their future, their companies, and their precious Customers in new ways and contexts.

It’s all about asking What If? What’s Possible? What’s Next? Why Not?

Bright Ideas

Bright Ideas

Bureau / Non-Bureau

The Journey To Bright Ideas: James Feldman has worked with an incredible range of clients: from the U.S. Department of Defense to Verizon, from Lexus to Microsoft, from the March of Dimes to the PAWS Chicago humane organization, American Dental Association to the Cremation Association of North America, Coca-Cola to AT&T, BASF to Vidal Sassoon, Toyota to Red Lobster in their search for bright ideas

His experience runs deep, but he holds true to relevant ideas, Actionable ideas, helping each organization take advantage of the resources they already have. The F.E.A.R. of failure is really a freedom to succeed. It provides a catalyst to take a chance. In this interactive presentation he creates an Idea Exchange to explore new concepts that create the greatest opportunities for your organization.

He shows your audience how to shift their perspective and encourage them to take action and make changes in both attitude and technique.

3D Thinking™

3D Thinking™

Bureau / Non-Bureau

3D Thinking is an interactive program offering insights into innovation problem solving for any organization or association. It is a working laboratory to create new solutions using existing resources to seize new opportunities.

Shifts in thinking are often simple-yet quite complex. Jim focuses on asking the right questions by going ‘inside the box’ to determine the components that make up the problem then applying the 3Ds. Depth • Distance • Determination. It’s about the problems you solve for others…not about reducing price. This program shifts thinking so that people will pay for the results.

His railroad box car of pasta sauce story will leave your audience with a new appreciation for ‘inside’ thinking that resulted in an 10 times ROI in less than 5 days.

“Ask the right questions to get the right answers” will start immediate shifts in ‘how they think, not what they think.

Thinking Actions Outcomes

Thinking Actions Outcomes

Bureau / Non-Bureau

Achieve Full Potential, Increase Revenue, and Maintain Success in a Changing Environment Jim’s presentations produce a “Shift” in thinking, actions and outcomes.

He addresses an existing problem facing participants and walks through the process demonstrating techniques that result in empowered staff and customers, a revitalized selling approach and intrinsic solutions to growth in revenues.




Shift Happens® in your Thinking, Actions, Outcomes


D•A•T•I•N•G Your Customer®

D•A•T•I•N•G Your Customer®

A Relationship Manual

This is Jim’s 3rd book that focuses on a serious issue in the US…the decline of acceptable Customer Service. For most of us we are frustrated by the ease with which we can place an order for a product or service and the amount of hurdles we have to overcome to obtain service or a refund.

Most companies either exceed Customer expectations like Zappos, Apple, or Nordstrom or fall so short of delivering what is promised that the list is too long to mention.

This is an easy to understand manual that under promises and over delivers.

Written in a conversational tone, everyone from the most experienced service provider to a newbie trying to compete by offering better service and a liberal Customer Return Policy that understands the premise…

It’s called Customer return for a reason.

Shift Happens!® No Job, No Money, Now What?

Shift Happens!® No Job, No Money, Now What?

This book will help you change your own personal and professional life. During the shutdown of COVID-19 Jim saw opportunity in Post coronavirus. Shifts happen all the time: weight loss or gain, getting fired or hired, changing careers, a death or birth in the family, etc. They may be positive or negative, but YOU choose how you deal with them.

Jim’s book, Shift Happens!® No Job, No Money, Now What? is valuable whether you are unemployed, were laid off, still have a job, are a former Executive, hospitality/restaurant staff or a former factory worker — you will find useful tools to help you shift your future.

When Shift Happens you can manage it or let it manage you. Succeeding after shifts in his own life, Feldman illustrates how to reclaim control and start using change to your advantage immediately. To ensure that Shift Happens this book includes 30 minutes of One-On-One coaching with either Jim or one of the C-Suite executives (

He uses personal or real life stories to illustrate the path he and others have taken to transform change into success. He also gives simple, yet powerful information on the process. Want to break free of the past, boost your energy and impact the future?

Learn how to apply 3DThinking to discover innovative solutions. Jim’s ideas are simple with life-changing results. Purchase this book today and make Shift Happen!

© 2020 – By James D. Feldman
Foreword by Joseph Sugarman, Blublocker Corporation
Published by Transformation Media Books
Doctor Travel's Cure for the Common Trip

Doctor Travel's Cure for the Common Trip

Written as a guide for those that need know before they go on their next trip, this book is an easy roadmap to explore.

Doctor Travel’s Cure for the Common Trip is an indispensable travel guide about how to deal with:

  • Airline delays
  • Frequent Flyer programs
  • Small hotel rooms
  • Long waiting lines
  • Flight cancellations
  • Air or sea sickness
  • Lost Luggage
  • Crummy service
  • Jet lag
  • Cranky kids
  • Mushy meals
  • and keeps smiling
Thriving On Change

Thriving On Change

In Organizations

It’s not enough to deal with change. Today, you need to seize the opportunities offered by change in order to thrive. This book helps you to integrate the organizational and individual issues necessary for successful change to occur. Each chapter ends with an “action summary” to help you get started

Eighteen world-class experts give you more than 120 ideas for thriving on change. Here are a few of the topics covered:

  • Models of successful change
  • Creating a sense of urgency
  • Individual responses to change
  • Values-based change
  • Entrepreneurial change
  • Responding to marketplace change
  • Dealing with causes, not effects
  • Using meetings to promote change
  • Teams for change
  • Customer-service change
  • Managing people through change
  • TQM and creativity
  • How to deal with resistance to change
  • Peak-to-peak change
  • “Selling” change internationally
  • Taking charge of change
  • And how to get it done
Celebrate Customer Service

Celebrate Customer Service

In Organizations

If everyone acknowledges the importance of customer service, why is service so bad in practice? This book starts with proof that providing GREAT service to your customers is worth a lot to you, while providing merely good service in worth little. Whether you’re in daily contact with outside customers, or exclusively serve internal customers (those within your own organization), this book shows you how to thrill your customers with service.

Celebrate customer service – take your customer relationships to the next level:

  • Why great service = more business
  • Internal customer service
  • Mystery shoppers
  • Turn complaints into compliments
  • Online service
  • Cross-cultural service
  • How to implement great service



    Some articles Jim has written for various publications and our Shift Happens newsletter. the articles to read.


    AOL Jobs (Huffington Post): Shift Happens!® Making Sense of Life After Job Loss
    Business Info Guide – Interview: James D. Feldman, Author of Shift Happens!® No Job, No Money, Now What?

    Career Builder – “How Helping Others Can Help Your Job Search”
    CNN – “Turn Your Volunteer Work Into a Career”
    HEARpreneur – “What’s the Worst Thing About Being An Entreprenuer?”
    Meetings and Conventions – IRF
    Southern Maryland Woman Magazine – Page 15A
    Strategies and News Magazine
    Successful Meetings
    Happy Trails,
    Indie Film Turns Incentives Sideways

    Radio Interviews & Podcasts

    Click on any of the radio interviews below to listen to Jim being interviewed.

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