James D. Feldman, CSP



(312)  527-9111  •  (630)  647-8234 

Forget the era of uninspired content. Use AI-driven insights to sculpt your expertise into courses that enlighten, engage, and captivate your audience. Join us for us.   

Two Day Master Class Leveraging AI • Request Schedule

Led by: James Feldman & Faculty

width=”250″] BONUS: Your AI Advocate Pin[/caption]

©2024 James Feldman Associates, Inc. By enrolling you agree that the shared. confidential, proprietary information is for your use only. It may not be reproduced, resold, or distributed.


Introducing the SOAR Academy

We provide specialized AI solutions to help you maintain a competitive edge and drive innovation. SOAR Academy breaks down your objectives into manageable tasks, tracks their progress, and utilizes AI resources.

Welcome to SOAR Academy

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for your business? We empower companies to harness the transformative power of AI tools. SOAR Academy is your one-stop solution if you’re looking to make money, save time, use AI, create effective prompts, and find the right AI tools for your business.

The Vision Behind SOAR Academy

SOAR Academy was born out of a vision to democratize AI and make its powerful tools accessible to businesses of all sizes. AI is not just the future but the present of business innovation, and we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in this new era.

Discover the Impact of SOAR Academy

James and his faculty will share proven, practical strategies, tactics, and actionable tools in these fast-paced and dynamic immersive sessions. Attendees will have the opportunity to:

– Discover real-life AI applications achieving 10,000X increases in productivity.

– Explore how AI can contribute economic value to your business.

– Understand the wide-ranging impact of AI on your business.

– Learn about applicable AI and GenAI apps and case studies focused on enhancing your customer satisfaction, shortening your cycle times, boosting your sales, and reducing your costs. (Value $2,500)

– Realize the benefits of AI for your various organizational functions, including your sales, marketing, customer service, and finance. (Value $1,000)

James’ sessions are often described as

“mind-blowing,” “riveting,” and “eye-opening.”


SOAR Academy’s Unique Offerings

Two Immersive Days

In-person attendance for two (2) days focused on YOUR business. Upon acceptance to our academy, we will create a focused, customized curriculum for those selected for our immersive education. Together we will schedule the dates for the academy.

Treasure Directory of AI Tools

At SOAR Academy, we provide a comprehensive directory of AI tools tailored to meet diverse business needs. (Value $1,000)

Comprehensive Resource

We continually update our treasure trove of AI tools, from machine learning platforms to natural language processing applications. We constantly curate the best tools to ensure you have access to cutting-edge technology.  (Value $500 per month)

Tool Categorization

We’ve categorized AI tools based on their functions to make it easy to find the right one for your business. Whether you need data analysis, automation, or customer engagement tools, we’ve covered you. (Value $100)

Supercharging Your Business with AI

AI can potentially supercharge your business, and SOAR Academy shows you how, by tailoring your company research, prospect extraction, competitor analysis, storytelling, presentation creation, and pricing model, your R.O.I.
[Return On Ideas]. Value Priceless  

AI-Powered Services

We curate AI-powered services that can transform your business operations. From automating repetitive tasks to enhancing customer experiences, our services are designed to deliver tangible benefits.

Practical Applications

Discover practical applications of AI in your industry. Learn how AI can help you streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive innovation

Learning the Ropes

Our AI Academy is designed to give you the skills and knowledge to leverage AI effectively for your business.

Courses and Training Programs

We offer a range of courses and training programs, from beginner to advanced levels. Our curriculum covers everything from the basics of AI to advanced machine-learning techniques.

Expert Instructors

Learn from the best in the field. Our instructors are industry experts with extensive experience in AI and its applications. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom.

SOAR Academy’s AI Services Include:

Consulting and Advisory Services

Our consulting services are designed to help you develop and implement effective AI strategies and to deploy, manage, and optimize AI automation and solutions across your business. (Value $10,000 per day=$20,000)

Personalized AI Strategies

We collaborate with you to develop customized AI strategies to align with your business objectives and overcome challenges. Discover how to reduce unnecessary costs by assigning low ROI tasks to an AI assistant. (Value $10,000)

Implementation Support

From strategy to execution, we provide support at every stage of your AI journey. Explore automation and optimization possibilities for your business.  Increase velocity as you accelerate your cycles up to 5 times by eliminating human bottlenecks. (Value $5,000)

Tailored AI Applications

Together we tailor AI applications that address your unique challenges and opportunities. Implement solutions to automate your work and processes to increase output and save time

We assure you that we’ll satisfy both your mind and body. Each day, you can enjoy a delightful continental breakfast,

 a fulfilling lunch, snacks throughout the day,

afternoon chocolates, popcorn, sweets and savories

and one evening an exceptional dinner.


Who It Is For

Leverage Your Expertise and Provide Seamless Client Support with AI


By incorporating AI-powered chatbots, we will introduce an additional service layer that enables clients to engage with your content at any time, ensuring enhanced accessibility and deepened client engagement.


In-depth Data Analysis with AI: Harness AI capabilities to empower comprehensive data analysis, resulting in enriched consulting insights.


Streamlined Client Interactions: AI can automate standard client communications, freeing you up to focus on providing strategic guidance.

AI-Driven Business Modeling: AI plays a pivotal role in developing and scrutinizing intricate business models, ultimately enhancing the quality of consultancy services.



After our two days together, you can access our Future of AI in Business, which is included with the completion of the SOAR Academy each following month for the rest of the year. (Value $2,500)


  • Trends to Watch

Stay ahead by keeping an eye on these emerging trends:


  • Emerging AI Technologies

Explore the latest AI technologies and their potential impact on your business.


  • Future Business Applications

Discover new business applications of AI that could shape the future of your industry.


  • Staying Ahead of the Curve

Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial to staying ahead:


  • Continuous Learning

Keep your skills and knowledge up to date with our continuous learning resources.


  • Adapting to Change

Learn how to adapt to the rapid changes AI brings and stay ahead of your competitors.


  • Apply Today to the SOAR Academy

Ready to unleash the power of AI in your business? Join SOAR Academy today and start your journey towards leveraging AI for your business.


Why SOAR Academy?

We offer the best resources, training, and support to help you succeed with AI.


How to Get Started

Apply to enroll in our programs, explore our directory, and leverage AI to transform your business. The application fee is $250. The $250 will be applied to the highly discounted academy investment of $5,000 if accepted.



We are flexible with the start date. Currently, we are holding July



What is SOAR Academy?

SOAR Academy is a two-day in-person educational platform that leverages AI tools and services to help businesses grow and innovate.


Who Can Benefit from SOAR Academy?

Business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and anyone interested in using AI to enhance their operations and profitability.


What Kind of AI Tools Are Available?

Our solutions include AI tools for data analysis, automation, customer engagement, and more.


How Can AI Help My Business?

AI can streamline operations, improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and open new revenue streams.


What is the highly discounted investment?

Limited Time Offer: Enroll in our academy for just $5,000 – a $4,997 discount from the regular price of $9,997. This special offer is only valid until June 30. Don’t miss out!  Total Value $42,500)


How Do I Enroll in SOAR Academy?

Visit our website to apply online. http://jfa.tips/SoarApplication


 ZOOM 3-Hour AI-Driven Course Sales & Marketing Master Class • July 2, 2024

Effortless Technology Integration for Course Creation 

Led by: James Feldman & Chareen Goodman

TGD Launch Special Price: $348 (Today only, then $797 without bonuses)

Special TGD Launch Bonuses for Today:

  • Pre-Work Introduction 1-Hour (April 26).
  • Post-Work Refinement Q&A 1-Hour (May 10).
  • Session Recordings.
  • AI Advocate Pin (shown below).
  • 100 Business AI Tools.
  • 5-Hours of LIVE coaching in total.

BONUS: Your AI Advocate Pin

©2024 James Feldman Associates, Inc. By enrolling you agree that the shared. confidential, proprietary information is for your use only. It may not be reproduced, resold, or distributed.

,Utilizing AI tools to market an online course can lead to a multitude of positive outcomes, significantly impacting the course’s visibility, enrollment rates, and overall success.


Automating course sales/marketing, attracting affiliates, managing timelines, leveraging AI for social media, and creating compelling marketing materials.


Learn how leveraging AI tools can benefit the marketing of an online course. In our master class you will learn how to … 

  • Automate Your Course Sales Marketing Around the Clock 
  • Attract TGD Affiliates with Ease 
  • Manages course sales and marketing timelines and tasks.  
  • Use AI tools for your Social Media 
  • Create A Compass For Economic Realities 
  • Generate Blog Posts Ideas To Sell Your TGD Course 
  • Creating Descriptions and Marketing Materials 
  • Develop Attraction Campaigns 
  • Write New Sales Conversations and Conversions 

Real Results:

  • Live Coaching: Interact with the program facilitators, ask questions, get your specific questions answered, receive real-time feedback on your progress, and receive personalized guidance (Value: $20,997).
  • Expert Office Hours: You’ll have the opportunity to talk to the program facilitators and get rapid-fire feedback. (Value: $9,997).
  • Implementation and Hot Seat Coaching:  During the workshop we will conduct live hot seat coaching where participants can receive focused feedback, brainstorm solutions, and receive support from the program facilitators and fellow participants with real-time guidance and feedback (Value: $4,997).
  • Exclusive Access to a Private Online Community: As a participant in this program, you’ll have the opportunity to be a member of a dedicated private online community through our LinkedIn group. This community will serve as a space for networking, collaboration, and ongoing support, allowing participants to connect, share insights, and engage in discussions beyond the program duration (Value: $597).
  • Access to Program Updates and Resources: As a participant in this pilot program, you will receive access to program updates and future content releases (Value: $2,997).
  • Exclusive Resource Vault: As a participant, you will receive access to an exclusive resource vault containing valuable templates, swipe files, case studies, and additional training materials (Value: $3,997). 
  • Early Bird Access to Future Programs or Events: Offer participants early bird access or discounted rates for future programs, events, or workshops, incentivizing continued engagement and learning (Value: $2,997). 


Special price $348 if you sign up today. (After today $797).

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