Persuasive Presentation Symposium 3-Day Custom Event Limited to 6 Individuals

by James Feldman Associaties, Inc

Real-time assessment & coaching from world-class presenters will teach you how to employ story principles to create persuasive presentations.

This 3-DAY event is an immersive exploration of more effective ways to deliver high-impact content for live, online, and face-to-face presentations.

Limited to 6 Individuals

You will learn how to…

  • Connect with your audience
  • Communicate with clarity

You will also learn how to

  • Present compelling, persuasive presentations with PowerPoint
  • Build confidence and composure

Develop a dynamic style

  • Offer humor and storytelling
  • Structure your content for clarity and engagement

that needs to develop a trusted relationship that helps you close a sale?

Are you a speaker
that wants to spark a shift in beliefs, behaviors, and mindsets?

Are you an attorney
that requires your jury to pay attention and remember the information you share?

Are you an entrepreneur
that wishes to create an engaging experience for your customers?

We will help create a structured, organized, script and PowerPoint presentation that conveys your services or offer as it persuades others to act in the way you desire.

Whether you’re speaking to sell, convince, influence, inform, or inspire, we will help you move your presentation to a new level that will deliver a game changing impact on your audience.

We will teach you how to

🎤 Understand your audience

🎤 Strengthen your ‘turning points’

🎤 Tell a persuasive story

🎤 Build emotional appeal

🎤 Create a call to action

🎤 Use storytelling with humor

🎤 Leverage PowerPoints

🎤 Gain confidence and extra edge

Our 3-DAY EVENT provides insights to adapt our experience and resources to create, capture, and accelerate your persuasive presentations to stand out in previously unimaginable ways.

You will leave equipped with the keys to unlock new skills, tools, and business models increasing your impact and influence when communicating.

You Don’t Have To Go It Alone

Our consultative and collaborative approach will focus on your strategic and tactical improvement to deliver persuasive outcomes.

This intensive 3-Day EVENT is designed to benefit six (6) individuals from diverse backgrounds. Upon acceptance of your application we help illuminate your abilities to Motivate, Influence, Lead, and Persuade. Upon completion, you increase your probabilities of becoming unbeatable and more sustainable in markets where 

It’s all about motivating, inspiring, influencing others to take action.

What do they
need to know?
(Knowledge – Inform)

What do you want
them to feel?
(Emotion – Persuade)

What do you want them to apply or what change in behavior are
you looking for?

(Application – Impact)

Success Faculty

Dale Irvine

Dale Irvine

America’s #1 Summarizer and storyteller.

Dale Irvine is America’s #1 Summarizer and storyteller. A visionary who has spoken to hundreds of organizations and entrepreneurs.  He has helped them increase sales and build several large businesses. He will show you how to write and deliver a joke, as well as how to write and deliver original funny material. Including phrasing, timing, and proper use of microphones. Dale is also CPAE Professional Speaker Hall of Fame, Virtual Speaker Hall of Fame, Over 150 television appearances.

James D. Feldman

James D. Feldman

Serial entrepreneur, author, innovation expert and professional speaker.

James Feldman is a serial entrepreneur, author, innovation expert and professional speaker. Named one of the most Innovative People of the 21st Century he shares the process of overcoming obstacles and leveraging them to achieving over $1B in sales. Founder of over a dozen companies, advisor to over 500 organizations, author of 13 books, and over 1,000 presentations he remains committed to ensure that Shift Happens!®

Dale and James are public speaking heavyweights who have won awards for their speeches, or who feel most alive when they are coaching others to stand up and deliver a presentation. They both have earned the highest certification from the National Speakers Association-Certified Speaking Professional (CSP).


  • Lunch each day

  • Snacks all day

  • All books

  • Handouts

  • Reference materials

  • One customized presentation with PowerPoint, Script

  • One-on-one coaching

  • Weekly coaching on ZOOM

  • Access to online resources, templates, graphics

Access to Dale & James for follow-up
Total value $47,200

[if purchased separately]

(Financing Available)


Early Bird VIP Offer
Discount Until February 15, 2023

Investment only


(Financing Available)

If you would like financing or have any questions, please contact us at

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