Shift Happens!® When you have AHA moments.

Aha LightbulbEveryone of us has a flash of inspiration that comes from unlikely sources.

We see something in nature. We hear something on the radio.  We observe others.  We have the curiosity to see if we can apply something learned from one company to another. And often that results in an AHA.

My latest ebook is a collection of  Twitter-like insights for you to enjoy and share. This book is about real-life AHAs. It will show you how to think inside the box-where the problem is. It is to a clear method of determining the depth of your knowledge, the distance of your solution, and monetazation of the results. A slight shift in thinking can put your actions into creating solutions and results. Think about this transaction. Someone purchases an experience. Once obtained the experience did not deliver what was expected. How can we use the AHAs to determine how other may feel about their similar experiences? Simple? Tell me your AHA? Did you really enjoy it? Describe it to me. If they can’t make that suggestion then I might have the same disappointment. Experiences are an economic offering similar to goods and services. However there is a big difference. If I buy at TV I am not expecting that the ‘content’ is relevant to me. If I buy an experience it needs to customized or I need to know exactly what I am getting. Think amusement park versus movie. One is an active participation the other is passive. Yet, today many parks are less experience and movie are becoming more experential. Either can create an AHA from that participation.

This book is full of practical strategies to help you investigate the laws of overcoming obstacles. These AHAs are instilled from years of working almost every size client in almost every industry. These AHAs come from those in the trenches that have battle tested their effectiveness.  Just using one AHA could give you a new feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. AHAs will give you a new way to look at problems with a fresh, innovative perspective.

This book is free to you if you click on the book or this link 

Please share your AHA moment.


Twitter sized observations and comments that help you Shift your thinking

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