This is specially priced for my readers. We are offering Bootcamps in Chicago, and Boston.
Say goodbye to boring presentations.
If you speak to anyone about anything….this is for you.
The creative topics and the practical step-by-step explanation ensures that you will derive value from our training will demonstrate that…
- You shouldn’t wish it was easier, he will encourage you make it better.
- You won’t wish for less problems, but have more skills.
- You will stop wishing for few challenges and leave with more wisdom.
Learn how to be persuasive and deliver WOW presentations. Close more sales.
Whether it’s vanquishing anxiety, wielding props or dealing with hecklers, get the confidence to nail your next presentation, speech or pitch.
This is an information rich, interactive full day of instruction.
This event will help you to overcome self doubt, poor content organization, improve your presentation skills, and enhance your Powerpoint/Keynote.
It’s not about becoming a professional speaker but a better, more persuasive presenter. Whether it overcoming nerves, handling questions, dealing with hecklers, this bootcamp with help you to get more confidence for your next speech, pitch or presentation.
If you make presentations or sales to any size group, on any subject, you can’t afford to miss this workshop.
Because it is limited so Jim can provide offer individual consulting. Bring your presentation with you. Jim will provide one-on-one suggestions to elevate the visuals and your presentation.
When you leave with an understanding how to move an audience to tears, keep them awake, and enjoy standing ovations.
- Learn how to build in analog and present in digital.
- Create Twitter headlines for each slide.
- Learn how to tell your story in short segments.
- Grab your listeners attention in the first few minutes
- Organize your ideas in a clear, concise, and compelling approach
- Eliminate ‘death’ by PowerPoint
- Leverage the most important points in your persuasive presentation
- Learn about new equipment
- Discover templates, animations, and more
- Ask the critical questions that will win the audience’s approval
In addition, each attendee will receive resource information for templates, how to obtain a license to use movie and television scenes, and more. Jim will offer special deals on equipment, tools, etc.
Bring your laptop or tablet and learn how to use PowerPoints to create POWERFUL POINTS that persuade the customer to understand your point of view. Obtain links and tools to help you break through ‘boring powerpoints’ by using licensed movie scenes thousands of templates and animations, royalty free music, and more. If part of your job is make presentations this workshop will help you crack your creativity fenes and unleash new powerful points for any subject. If you are selling in the real world this workshop could add money to your bottom line and retain customers at the same time.
Why Presentation Skills?
1. Time tested content for business presenters designed by an expert.
2. Multiple Exercises, Examples and Visuals:
3. Easy Integration with your content:
4. Comprehensive coverage:
Jim understands that presentations are not just about the slides. His program covers the entire process of presentation creation:
- Setting Clear Objectives
- Generating insights with mind mining
- Creating an outline (or story)
- Designing Visual Slides
- Creative ways to simplify complex ideas
- Creating an engaging Opening
- Factors for Confident Delivery including presenter and audience body language
5. Creative and Unique Topics:
More than anything else, this program contains unique aspects like the process of mind mining to generate ideas, the process of using analogy to make complex ideas simple and a matrix to understand body language.
The creative topics and the practical step-by-step explanation ensures that your audience will derive value from your training.
Before you leave Jim will demonstrate that…
You shouldn’t wish it was easier, he will encourage you make it better.
You won’t wish for less problems, but have more skills.
You will stop wishing for few challenges and leave with more wisdom.
Snacks, soft drinks, coffee, tea, water, all day. Working Lunch break included
Ebook, tip sheets, resources, discounted equipment, slide templates, included.
One-on-one coaching suggestions included. 30 minutes to fine tune your presentation. Bring a copy in PowerPoint or Keynote to upload to Jim’s computer or bring your own device. Be prepared to deliver your 2minute ‘pitch’
Whether you are speaking to an audience of thousands or just a few, it’s critical to engage your listeners. Jim Feldman has been presenting and educating presenters for over three decades.
Jim is a Certified Speaking Professional.The CSP™ designation, established in 1980, is the speaking industry’s international measure of professional platform skill. CSP™ is conferred by the National Speakers Association only on those who have earned it by meeting strict criteria. The letters CSP™ following a speaker’s name indicate a competent speaking professional with proven experience who understands what is required and knows how to deliver client satisfaction. About twelve percent of the more than 5,000 speakers who belong to one of the 13 associations affiliated with the Global Speakers Federation hold this professional designation.
Jim has presented all over the world to both small and large companies. McDonalds, Toyota, Microsoft, Apple, Helene Curtis, Xerox, Aria, BASF, US Department of Defense, Hewlett Packard, Wynn Las Vegas, Cremation Association of North America, Hyatt, Carnival Cruise, etc. Jim knows what it takes to deliver messages that get results.
He is persuasive, transformational, and conversational. Jim has attended thousands of presentations and learned what not to do as well as what to do to engage an audience.
For more information contact